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Holzarmband "Zebrano"

Wooden bracelet "Zebrano" made of zebrano wood

€98,63 EUR€77,63 EUR
Zebrano wood, with its distinctive dark and light stripes, comes from the tropical rainforests of West Africa, particularly from countries such as Cameroon, Gabon and Nigeria. This region is known...
Holzarmband "Indians" aus Wallnussholz

Holzarmband "Indiana" aus Wallnussholz

€82,99 EUR€56,86 EUR
  Dir fehlen weitere Informationen zum Produkt für deine Kaufentscheidung? Schreibe uns einfach eine Email oder über den Live Chat. Wir helfen dir sehr gerne weiter.  Entdecke die perfekte Verbindung...
Holzarmband "Sri Lanka" aus Sandelholz

Wooden bracelet "Sri Lanka" made of sandalwood

€79,99 EUR€53,86 EUR
  Are you missing further information about the product to make your purchase decision? Simply write us an email or via live chat. We'll be happy to help you.  ...